Friday, February 27, 2009

Must Watch!!

Check out the movie trailer here.

The other day i went to the movies and was wondering which to watch. I remembered that Ellie told me that Slumdog Millionaire is a darn good movie, and so, i decided to take her words. I didn't know what to expect from this movie because i have not heard nor watched the trailer before. But obviously the title itself its interesting enough to attract people to watch it.

When the movie started, i was quite clueless of what i'm watching because it was all Indian casts *wtf*. Since it's an English movie, i was expecting a Hollywood production. Well, well, surprise, surprise! I am watching an English/Indian film. I mean, if i would have known earlier, it wouldn't be appealing enough for me to watch. But seriously, no regrets!!

The movie basically covers life in India about poverty and how much a person can sacrifice and do for the person he/she loves. Go and watch it to satisfy your curiosity! It's a darn good storyline which you will not predict what will happen along the way. It had even bagged 8 Academy Awards recently..the more the reason to watch it..=)

Amitabh Bachchan!!!!

p/s: i would have done the same, but....

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