Saturday, September 27, 2008

Everlasting Love

This post is tad late, but i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the person whom i knew my whole life and grew up with..

Miss Chuah Yee Leng

For soon she will be Mrs. Lee and will be migrating to Aussie to be with her soul mate, Lee Eng Hooi.

Eng Hooi had actually planned a romantic propose that was suppose to be in Sirocco months before our Bangkok trip, but, due to unforeseen circumstances, it turned out to be a not-so-romantic propose. Anyhow, the most important thing is that they have both found their soul mates and had decided to spend the rest of their lifetime together, despite having to spend most of their relationship apart (Eng Hooi lives in Australia, whilst Yee Leng in Malaysia). Hey! who says Long Distance Relationship won't work out?

The Power of Love

I bet all of you are anxious to see the bling that made Eng Hooi suffered months of bread, selling his car, wearing torn and dirty clothes, living by the street with the homeless without bathing for months with a massive stink that you can smell him miles away for the rock that cost a bomb! (please excuse my very much exageration, i was just kidding!!)


Wish the both of you live an everlasting love with joy and happiness.....


2 years back when my other cousin Lay Yen got married, my dad had said that i'm only allowed to get married after Yee Leng does. HAHA!! Now that she will be married soon, it means that i'm one step closer to getting married too!! YEY!!! Must pressure Hubby Wee already!! *ngekngek* (with an evil smile)


teefernee. said...

haha. seems like you're going to be the FIRST to get married in our group huh? wakkakaka!

Phaik Yee said...

hmmm...i don't think so lor..(secretly hope so) HAHA!!!